As your health coach I will customize your individual cellular detox program and help you identify the root cause of your cellular inflammation and remove upstream stressors 

Pompacore Cellular Detox Program 

*An initial 45 Minute call with Coach Michelle to get to know each other, discuss expectations and to go over history intake, neurotoxic questionnaire and analysis.

*5 months of Core Cellular Detox supplements

*1:1 monthly 30 Minute coaching calls with Coach Michelle via phone or zoom 

*Text support between phone calls

*Access to the support tools including portal, resource library and private on-line store with the highest quality ingredients 

 *Personalized diet strategies 

*Coach you on finding the upstream stressors that are the root causes of inflammation.

*Coaching on living in nontoxic household

*Coaching on living a nontoxic lifestyle

*Coaching on Ancient Healing Diet Strategies 

*Customized detox support therapies at an additional cost

*An educational experience that will help your body heal naturally for the rest of your life.  

I will customize, guide and coach you through the program.

Reclaim your life through Cellular Detox!

I am here to support you through your journey.